Multiple clipboard done right
The app is close to ideal. Current version have got the item delete button for Notification Center widget.
The operation in the free version looks like:
1. You copy a text. If you decide that you want to use it in another app, go to widget and tap plus button near this line of text.
2. Repeat 1. several times.
3. Go to another app, open widget, choose string to copy and then paste inside app.
4. Delete recent strings that were pasted already if you dont need them anymore in clipboard.
1. Type an email or small article. Select all and copy. Go to widget and tap plus button.
2. Type more text. When you are satisfied with the result or just typed enough, select all, copy. Go to widget, tap plus. Delete the previous version. Close Notification Center.
3. Repeat 2. several times.
Now in case of app crash or occasional text deletion you have a backup in clipboard, even if you have copied something else after that.
Bug workaround in iOS:
1. Copy something. Go to widget and tap plus button.
2. Try to paste in another app.
3. If the system clipboard froze and store some random previous text (the bug in iOS7-8.1), go to widget and tap the saved text.
Clear clipboard:
Do you miss the clear clipboard app? Go to widget and delete the text currently on clipboard.
Quotes and archiving:
Some of the browsers allow to not only copy the selected text but also URL of containing page. When you paste using the widget, you choose to paste text+its URL or the text only.
snusmumric about
Clips - Copy and paste anywhere with widget and keyboard, v1.1.3